Monday, June 24, 2013

I worked out tonight! (and I'm still alive)

In case you were wondering, this is a stairmill.
You heard it here first, folks. I officially had my first NYC workout. True, I only ran 1.10 miles and climbed 41 flights of stairs on the stairmill, but it felt awesome.

I am having a slight problem with my gym membership, though. I belong to the YMCA in Chicago. Well, my family does - we have a family membership. It is supposedly supposed to be good nation-wide. And it is, I guess. If you count 10 passes A YEAR to be considered nation-wide access.

I suppose it does make sense, it would honestly be too good to be true if all Y members could access all facilities around the country, but this sucks now because I need to find a cheap gym that I can belong to after I've used all the passes up.

Never would I think that being healthy could be so hard!

<3, Charlotte


  1. I've been wanting to sign up in a gym this summer but honestly I'm slacking off, let's just say this post gave some some motivation
