Friday, August 2, 2013

So, where do we go from here?

Last night Chloe and I decided to have a little girls night out. Obviously we didn't stay out very late because we both had work today, but it was really nice to be able to hang out and just  talk about everything that has been going on (she was out of town last weekend too, so I felt like I hadn't seen her in FOREVER). It was so so soooo fun! I am so glad we are so close and that that awkward phase has passed. I am so happy that she is one of my best friends :)

We got to talking and decided to hash out the entire Lisa situation. Since I last wrote about it, this is what happened on my end of it:

  1. She didn't apologize about it herself. We waited for DAYS and heard nothing from her. No texts, not a single interaction on any communication medium. For Lisa, this is weird considering she really does have a texting problem and is on the obsessive compulsive side of that spectrum. Not hearing anything from her was so bizarre.
    Is this what we should do?
  2. Chloe and I discussed, and even though I wasn't directly involved, I wrote Lisa this long text explaining why her actions and lack of apology were concerning to me. I explained that I was alarmed that her intentions seemed terrible and was worried that she would do something shitty to me. This was completely true - was she going to just up-and-leave me in the middle of some neighborhood in NYC when we were out one night? I HAD to get to the bottom of this.

  3. Lisa sent me a long text responding to my concerns. Apparently she had been so embarrassed about the entire situation the next day. She is definitely not one to engage in confrontation, so her actions were definitely in-line with what I would expect of her - she didn't want to say anything and essentially hoped that everything would blow over on its own. She apologized for essentially ditching her friends for a guy and said it was one of the worst things she had ever done. Slightly dramatic, but yes, that was INCREDIBLY STUPID. And just not nice! Everything she said came off completely sincere though, so I was happy that I reached out.

So the other day after I got her apology, I felt a lot better. I replied telling her that I totally understood, but that she really needed to apologize to Chloe for what happened. It was really not okay and she should address it because I knew Chloe was still irked about it. Last night, we went over the response that Chloe got from Lisa. Several things were EXTREMELY ALARMING about the difference between the answers we got:

  1. Chloe's response was CONSIDERABLY shorter than mine. I mean, my response required several scrolling efforts in order to read the entire thing. Lisa's response to Chloe fit on one texting page on Chloe's iPhone. I mean, I wasn't even directly involved in what had happened and I got a novel- didn't Chloe deserve the same kind of thought-out response that I got?

  2. She justified her behavior to Chloe in the fact that she got "caught up in NYC". So was it a guy (what she told me) or NYC or what?! Also, she was here last summer interning for the company she is working for now, so I don't understand how it is so different this time around. How was she caught up in NYC?

  3. She ended Chloe's message with a "we should go out to a club sometime!" ............oh okay, so one of our best friends will pencil us into her busy schedule to go out with us? Thanks, but I think we're doing just fine on our own. Don't feel the need to grace us with your magnificent presence, Lisa.
  4. I feel like this quote definitely applies in this situation.

Yea, so we are basically in shock about this entire thing. It's so disappointing to see someone change so much in such a short time. I really don't know what to think, but none of my thoughts about the situation are good. One thing I'm glad about is that I have a friend like Chloe who will stick by me no matter what. We both admit when we make mistakes and own up to them. And we will never throw each other under the bus for a temporary guy. Guys come and go but friendship is for life!

Everything about this situation with Lisa is just not right. I'm pretty sad about it. :(

Where do we go from here?

<3, Charlotte


  1. Best friends are awesome, and I realized the best ones remained close during the transitional period right after college when everyone is changing through like...age 26. It's a strange journey!

  2. Unfortunately some friends come and go and some stay but don't treat you the way they should...I have a similar problem with a friend and its the age old question of do I keep trying or do I just cut all ties? In your case I think that since you and Chloe are so close as long as you have each other you will be ok and Lisa will miss you before you miss her! Xx

  3. Oh man so this is going to happen for awhile...lovely! Haha

    <3, Charlotte

  4. Ahh thanks so much for those kind words :) (sidenote that sounds so cheesy but I can't think of any other way to put it). Yes me and Chloe are definitely going to stick together through this one!

    <3, Charlotte

  5. From your last post, I think you had your instincts right about her being a self-involved person. Thus, go with your initial gut feeling (I mean how could you leave your friend visiting you stranded? Not even the key to get back to where you are staying?) and keep you distance, cause she does sound manipulating, texting you and Chloe different messages...

  6. The transition of friendships from school to the real world is one no one ever tells you about. It's totally an adjustment- honestly, seeing your friends is no longer institutionalized! Some people just don't put in the effort that's now required. But the best friends stick around no matter what, and those are the ones that matter! I guess you'll see if Lisa is one of those or not.

  7. Omg yes we had the same idea about the key thing!! Ugh idk it is just a mess right now. We will see what happens I guess but we are definitely re-considering some things. Not sure if we will ever be as close as we once were which is so sad!

    <3, Charlotte

  8. SO TRUE. Yea I definitely took for granted living so close to my friends and being able to see anyone at basically any time. Maintaining friendships outside of college is rough!

    <3, Charlotte

  9. Some friends aren't meant to be kept for life. They enter our lives for a short time, you have fun with them and then they leave you in the wake of unnecessary drama. True friends are rare jewels and your friendships with those people are effortless. You are friends because you enjoy each other's company and share common interests. Sometimes it's best to cut the tie and focus on your gems. One of the best life lessons I've learned. Good luck :)

  10. Sometimes you have no choice but to remove some people from your life. Sad but true.
