Thursday, August 8, 2013

That's not fair

Today, my company had an outing, so we weren't in the office and were drinking the entire day (more to come about that  tomorrow!). But tonight, I got dinner and drinks with Chloe. It was more mellow because we were both exhausted, but it was good to see her and just hang out for a little.

As we were leaving, we were walking down the street when I hear Chloe go "Oh hey". I look up and it's Ellen's boyfriend. (Sidenote, I've officially decided to give her a name, Ellen is my friend that I was going to live with, but it didn't end up working out for a number of reasons.) I didn't really know how to act since a lot of people now know that me and Ellen aren't living together by now, so I also was also like "hi!"

He goes to give Chloe a hug hello and turns to me and gives me a ginormous death stare. SO UNNECESSARY AND RUDE! I decided to ignore it - I'm probably the least awkward person ever so that wasn't that difficult - and I also went in for a hug. He didn't even make eye contact with me while doing so. He then talked to us for about a minute, and when I say "us" I mean only Chloe, and then we parted ways.

Ugh, the entire encounter left me with such a terrible feeling. Ellen was the one who told me to go for it and gave me her blessing - was she lying to me when she said that? We both ended up wanting different things in a place, and her not even being in town when we were looking for places (and not answering her phone for DAYS when I would try to get in touch) didn't help the situation. She put me in such a bad spot, and now I feel like I look like the bad guy.

That's not fair. And now i feel like crap about the whole thing.

<3, Charlotte


  1. Don't be hard on yourself, you know the real story and if she lied, that's her negativity for her to deal with. The important thing is that you saved yourself from the roommate problems and don't let other people's negativity being you down.
    -Jothy :)

  2. You are awesome - thank you! :)

    <3, Charlotte

  3. So you feel like crap because you took care of yourself over a "friend" who wouldn't answer her phone for days-on-end? I would classify that as being self-sufficient. don't sweat the small stuff; pick your battles when you need to and win the war if it comes around. As far as I'm concerned, you were very gracious and handled the situation with class!

  4. This just made me feel so much better - THANK YOU! Ugh yea I was just like completely thrown off by it, so bizarre. I mean I understand why he would be upset but clearly he doesn't know both sides to the story. Hopefully after this whole thing cools off it will be okay again. And YAY I'm glad you think I handled it well!!

    <3, Charlotte

  5. Whoa, If Ellen really was lying at that time (either trying to save face or whatever) then it's her situation to deal with. I don't think that it was fair of her bf to give you the death glare too. If you feel like it's worth it, probably you need to have a heart to heart sit down with her?

  6. Ugh I know, you're probably right. She's not even in the city though so it's like impossible to do that right now. Plus I think tensions would still be very high considering how new the situation is. Hopefully in a month we can sit down and have a good conversation. But yes, I agree - so not fair for him to have acted that way to me!

    <3, Charlotte

  7. […] terrible encounter with my ex-soon-to-be-roommate – Ellen’s – boyfriend. You can read about the incident here, but that definitely was my low-point for the week. I hate when people are mad at me! And I had […]
