Sunday, July 28, 2013

My first official NYC celeb sighting!!

Actually, it was 3 celeb sightings. All at the same place. Which is why Boat Basin Cafe is my new favorite place in NYC.

It was my friends birthday party and I had heard this place was fun. The only caveat was the fact that Boat Basin is in the Upper West Side. Like on 79th street upper. So it was a BITCH to get to. Literally was on the subway for 30 minutes and then got lost walking there, so I had to take a cab at the end (luckily the driver couldn't figure out how to work the meter for credit cards so it ended up being a free ride). An hour of traveling and getting completely lost and confused did not leave me in high hopes for this place when I arrived.

McLovin lovin.
I found the party and sat down to talk. A few minutes later, I notice a few people getting super excited about something - McLovin from SuperBad had just entered the restaurant! Ohmygosh my first NYC celeb sighting! This was so exciting! He looked exactly like how you think he would: kind puny, pale, hair was the same. Oh, except he had this interesting facial hair thing going on, and he wasn't wearing glasses. It was interesting. My friend ordered a bucket of Coronas to his table to be nice before asking him for a picture. He was super nice about the whole thing so that was awesome! (Sidenote: it's funny that no one knew his real name. We just kept referring to him as McLovin for the entire night. His real name is Christopher MIntz btw.)

At one point during the night, everyone is FREAKING OUT about the main guy from Man vs. Food sitting at a table near us. I look up to see what the deal is, and I think that I see this one guy, Rudy Mancuso, that I follow on vine. I double check what he looks like and am 99% positive it is him. I then look at everyone in his party and I. CANNOT. BELIEVE. MY. EYES. My vine idol, Nicholas Megalis, was sitting there too! I for sure knew that this was both of them because from their vines you could tell that they're friends. So, while everyone was freaking out about Man vs. Food guy, I was freaking out about Nicholas. I just HAD to go up and say hi and tell him how big of a fan I was!!

Nicholas Megalis everybody! (and a blurry me, obvi)
Nicholas Megalis everybody! (and a blurry me, obvi)
With a little liquid courage, I worked up the nerve to go up to the table they were all sitting at. Luckily, everyone wanted to get pictures with Man vs. Food guy, so I got to talk to Nicholas just me - and he was so honored and really appreciated me coming over and saying hi! Also, I had texted my friend, Marcus, that I saw him and he told me to tell him that we like the TMZ vines and the rap about the silverware. Obviously in my celeb-crazed state of mind, I forgot what Marcus wanted me to say so I pulled out my phone to see. Nicholas then proceeded to take my phone and TEXT MARCUS HELLO. Not only that, the two of them went back and forth texting lines from Nicholas' vines! Literally the coolest moment of my New York life. I was so happy that he was such an awesome celeb and am an even bigger fan now!

So yea, Boat Basin Cafe. If you do any single thing when you go to NYC, this HAS to be it!! Best. Celebrity. Sighting. Place. Ever. (AND, now I can cross that off my Summer Bucket List)

<3, Charlotte


  1. I love the Boat Basin too! But I haven't seen any celebs there yet, now I know to keep my eyes peeled. You will see many celebs when you least expect it! I have seen many in the 7 years I've been here and my first sighting was Bruce Willis buying a hot dog.

  2. Omg yes you neeeed to keep looking when you're there!! And I am literally laughing out loud at your Bruce Willis story - so weird how celebs are always around but you see them in the weirdest places sometimes!

    <3, charlotte

  3. wow I'm having so many culture shocks here... first I'm sorry, I don't know who any of those people are, hehe but I'm glad for you, that's quite a tally in one night! and second of all... what?! You can pay for a taxi with a credit card???!!! That's blown my mind! :)

  4. Haha, omg you've NEVER seen SuperBad?! I actually didn't think it was the best movie ever but everyone who sees it LOVES it so I would recommend watching sometime. As for the vine celebs, you should def follow them because they are HILARIOUS!

    Yea, in NYC all cabs take credit cards which is AMAZING because you don't lose all your bills paying for them! One of the many things New York has managed to get right! (DC did not have this system and it was the WORST)

    <3, Charlotte

  5. Wow! Now there's a real NYC moment! Can't imagine that happening too many other places - three celebs in one place. Well, here's to many more sightings! :P
