Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Eurotrip Shmurotrip

So a lot of my friends are going on trips around Europe right now, or around Asia, and I am conflicted as to how I feel about not going on one. Of course, this could all just be because one of my friends is updating his photostream AS WE SPEAK, and I am seeing pictures of everyone frolicking around Paris having an amazing time. AND I keep seeing their Vines on my feed. While I am stuck doing my vehicle emissions test and packing up my room in Chicago, they are backpacking to places I can only dream of seeing one day!

I had the opportunity to go, but I chose not to because I wanted to start my career ASAP. Thinking back on that decision, it sounds absolutely psychotic! Why would anyone choose to skip a trip to Europe to begin the rest of their life, something they will be stuck with forever?

Because I've been dreaming about this life since I was 15.

I honestly cannot wait for Saturday! This industry, this company, New York City, I WANT IT! I can go to Europe at any time, but this opportunity that I have been given does not come around often. I am so ready and excited for the rest of my life to begin!

T-3 days...or is it 2?

Ugh, I never know how to do countdowns.

<3, Charlotte


  1. Europe can wait in this job market! Don't let their fun time make you question yourself. We all need to follow our bliss. For some of us it's Europe, and for others it's going to bed at 8 p.m. after a TV date with Ryan Gosling...

    (That's not me, I swear.)

  2. Haha I DEFINITELY could get used to watching Ryan Gosling on TV to end my day!

    <3, Charlotte
